Although we generally like to invoke occam's razor, for some patients we cannot follow the rule of diagnostic parsimony. 尽管我们通常喜欢采用奥克姆剃刀原则来解释疾病,但对于某些病人,我们不能遵循这个诊断简约性规律。
Occam's Razor; the simplest explanation is that someone screwed up. 奥卡姆剃刀理论:有人搞砸了&这就是最简单的解释。
Four factors should be emphasized for the application of "Occam's Razor" in art design, that is, Express accuracy requires rather less reality than more void; 即,“奥卡姆剃刀”理论在设计中的运用讲究四大要素,即:对于达意的准确性,讲究多虚不如少实;
The method of developing economy is doing international trade. Comparison, Re-review and Reconstruction of the System of Accessio: According to the Principle of Occam's Razor 财产的分配应遵循最初占有、占领、时效、添附、继承的原则,而开源之法则在于进行世界贸易。添附制度体系之比较、反思与重构